jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2016

Phrasal Verbs- Ingles

Los phrasal verbs son combinaciones de una palabra y una preposicion: palabras que juntas tienen nun significado que solas  (sin la compañia de la ltra) no tendrian.

break down: stop working// start crying
break into: enter by force
break off: stop for holidays
break out: begin suddenly
break up: separate

carry off: do sth succesfully
carry out: perform

give away: distribute
give down: let flow
give of: emit
give on: attack
give out: hand out
give over: tell sb to stop doing sth
give sth back: return
give up: stop// quit
give up on: abandon

take after: resemble
take off: leave the ground
take on: employ
take out: remove
take over: replace
take up: start// fill space
take sb in: allow somebody to stay in your house// be deceived

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